Magnifying Your Success
The more success we have, the more it magnifies who we are.
And if there are things about us that we fear, don't like, haven’t dealt with or accepted, it will magnify these too.
Unconsciously, you may be holding yourself back from the next level of success because you fear what might be magnified.
For example, I speak to business owners who can’t understand why their business won’t grow past a certain point.
The truth is often that they are the ones sabotaging their growth (unconsciously) due to a fear of what success might bring.
If you have a problem with something like public speaking, or accountability, or being seen, it makes perfect sense (to the mind) to stay at the level you’re at to maintain a feeling of safety.
If you recognise that this is what’s happening however, you then have the option to change by taking action.
Remember: insight + action = change.
So, ask yourself - if I were to reach the next level, which of my abilities would I be able to use to have more impact in the world?
And what am I currently tolerating that might be magnified into something I don’t think I can manage?
Then write down three powerful actions you could take.
And then take one.