Ignorance Isn’t Always Bliss
The truth about why you don’t have what you really want yet is that your unconscious thinking is holding you back from it.
It’s holding you back by lying to you. It’s holding on to beliefs that were created to keep you safe that aren’t true.
Ones about whether you deserve success, money or love. Ones about it not being safe to be seen or heard. Ones about you needing approval or acceptance.
Deep, buried beliefs that are secretly running your life without you even realising it.
They have been present for so long that you don’t even realise they’re there. They’re running on autopilot, like the OS on a device. They seem like they’re pre-installed. That they’re ‘you’.
Imagine now that you’re a ship in an endless ocean. It’s a glorious sunny day and there’s no land in sight.
On the surface, your ship appears free to travel wherever it likes.
But your ship can never sail freely if it’s anchored to a belief. It will always be limited as to how far it can travel.
The anchor holds you back no matter which direction you travel and how hard the wind blows.
Popular thinking around creating new habits, setting goals and working on your mindset can change things.
Your ship appears to travel further and more freely when you engage in these sorts of activities.
But they’re only ever extending the chain.
The anchor remains.
You will never be completely free until you’ve explored your inner world and pulled out the anchor.
And the only direction of travel to get you what you really, REALLY want, is inward.
I know that it doesn’t seem that way, but deep down, you know the outer game is fool’s gold.