Finding Your Process

Salespeople LOVE a process.

(Almost as much as sales managers).

SPIN, The Challenger Sale, Solution Selling, MEDDIC/MEDDPICC, Conceptual Selling, SCOTSMAN…

We’ve all used these, or something similar, at some point in our career.

And for good reason - breaking down complex systems into manageable steps can make life easier and help us close more deals.

W. Edwards Deming, creator of the Deming System of Profound Knowledge, said, "If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing."

Following a process gives us the feeling, via our thinking, that we’re controlling the uncontrollable, predicting the unpredictable, de-risking the volatile.

When I started using MEDDIC, I thought “Great - all I need to do now is to follow these exact steps and my sales will 10x like everyone says on LinkedIn”. Amazing.

So I went all in.

I read the books, watched the videos, learned the framework and all the relevant questions, built my spreadsheets accordingly and then diligently applied it to my sales situations.

And it was horrible.

Robotic and clunky. Forced and unnatural. Like I’d forgotten how to even talk.

At one point I remember asking myself “Where’s that cheat sheet on building rapport again?”

That’s when I knew I had a problem.

How could sales feel harder than it did before, with all this new knowledge and expertise?!

I realised that I was focusing on following the process more than anything else, and it ruined my flow.

Nothing was happening naturally because I was trying to bend things to my will based on what I thought should be happening.

I was overthinking it. And thinking is the enemy of flow.

I noticed this in others too - the people that were trying to apply it struggled, whilst the ones that just did it sounded natural and got great results.

And this is the hallmark of mastery. Of craftsmanship.

Once processes become unconscious through repetition, they become part of who we are.

And this is fantastic when the process is leading us to somewhere that we want to go. Like more sales.

But what about the unconscious processes that we follow that aren’t leading us where we want to go?

And how do we even know they’re there?

Let’s take fear.

We all experience a naturally evolutionary fear which makes us aware of danger.

If we stand on the edge of a tall building, or too near to a busy road, something tells you to pull back.

But what about the other type of fear - the one that tells you to pull back from situations, people, activities, from life entirely?

I used to think this fear was a ‘thing’.

Something to avoid, to conquer, to manage, to worry about, to let go of, to face and do anyway - all the ways we’re told to deal with it.

But then Michael Neill pointed me to the simple truth: fear is simply the process you go through to scare yourself.

It is not a thing. It is not outside of you. It does not exist until you create it. And you do this with a process. A process of thought.

As the often-cited Carl Jung quote goes: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”.

In other words, until you take yourself off autopilot, you’re going to keep arriving at the same destination.

Whether it’s a fear of public speaking, spiders, rejection, clowns or not being good enough, there’s a process that you go through to scare yourself.

Only you know what your processes are. You know when to start them, how scary you can make it, and when it’s time to stop them.

So how do you wake up to the unconscious thought processes that run your life so you can live fearlessly?

Firstly, remember how your experience is being created - by your thinking in the moment. So, if you find yourself feeling scared, you can simply realise now it’s because you’ve been thinking scary thoughts.

Simple as that.

Secondly, when we remember how our experience is being created, through thought, we can also remember that thought takes us out of the present moment.

Out of the here and now. Which is the only space where experience happens.


And this is also where there is no fear. Ever. Because there’s no thinking. Just experience. Just what is.

So, the more that you can drop out of your thinking and back into the awareness of the present moment, the more often you will live fearlessly.

And this is a return to our natural state. No fears to overcome, nothing to avoid. Just a life full of opportunity.

If you’d like to live fearlessly, create effortlessly and achieve the impossible, DM me for a free conversation.


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