Do You Need A Purpose?

It seems to me that for some people there comes a time where they start to question what their life is all about and where it’s going.

They start to wonder about whether they are fulfilled, making a difference or living life to the fullest.

What I‘ve noticed is that this can lead people to believing their problem is that they don’t have a purpose. Or that if they had a purpose, their life would have more meaning and they would have more motivation.

And if you spend time on LinkedIn, you’ll find many supporting this view, including some that have written entire books on the subject.

The search for purpose is a wonderful trick of the mind.

Another clever ruse that tells us despite all the things we have and all the things we’ve achieved, if we could just find our true purpose in life, then everything would be ok.

We’d feel safe, validated, successful, confident, happy.

It’s yet another goal.

Another goal to add, or prioritise, on our never ending list of things we need to do to feel good.

But a purpose you believe in is simply that: a belief.

It is simply a thought that we decide to add a huge amount of power and weight to so that it seems much more important than all the other thousands of thoughts that randomly appear and disappear each day.

And, what’s more, it’s a limiting belief, disguised as an empowering belief. Super sneaky.

You see, the truth is that you don’t need yet another belief to live your life by.

You’ve got enough thoughts that seem to tell you who you are, how you act, what you like and don’t like. You don't need to add any more, regardless of how positive they may seem.

There is no 'ultimate thought'.

And so you don’t need a thought telling you what your purpose in life is, because the truth is:

You ARE your purpose.

You can never, ever, even for a second, NOT be living your purpose. It is you and you are it.

Of course, there may be times when it feels like the absolute last thing that’s happening in your life has anything to do with any type of purpose.

And when that happens we can feel even more lost and confused, and think we need a purpose outside of us more than ever.

And, for me, that’s the beauty of it.

We don't know how our purpose is going to unfold, regardless of how much we kid ourselves that we’re in control of what happens and the directions we take in life.

And accepting this leads to freedom from yet another belief.

Keep following this and questioning all the beliefs you have and it will lead you to freedom from the mind.

And this is true freedom. (If you want it).


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