Amazon Doesn’t Actually Exist

Companies are only beliefs in our minds.

If everyone stopped believing in Amazon, it would disappear overnight.

Jeff Bezos would have nothing to do.

Amazon employees wouldn’t come to work and their offices would stand empty.

You wouldn’t order anything because you wouldn’t believe the company existed. 

The warehouse would have nothing to pack and the drivers would have nothing to deliver. 

Money is just another belief. 

I found some French francs the other day. The notes look and feel like money. 

And if we all still believed the franc was legal tender, I could buy a lovely croissant with it.

It’s exactly the same note, with the same symbols and images, as when we believed it was real money.

Only now we don’t believe that it’s legal tender.

Nothing has changed other than our belief.

That’s how powerful beliefs are. They create our reality.

So what are you currently believing that isn’t helping you?

What belief could you drop that would change your experience?

Could you stop believing that you’re a smoker or drinker?

Could you drop the belief that you need to be successful to be happy?

What if you didn’t believe life was hard? 

Remember, you only believe something until you don’t. There was a time when you didn’t believe what you believe now. It all started with a single thought. 

What are you ready to leave behind?

And how will it change your life?


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