Deeper Sales Coaching

As a sales leader, you want your reps to be successful.

You train them, coach them, inspire them, show them, lead them.

But how deeply can you really help them?

What if the thing that’s holding them back from greater success is way below the surface?

For example, do you know what your reps’ money mindsets are?

The money situation that you grew up in has a massive influence on your money mindset as an adult.

If a rep grew up in a household where money was tight, they may have an underlying belief that money is scarce and limited.

This belief may drive them to chase money, to seek it as a sense of security and to see it as something that other people have and not them.

This can hold them back in sales. They might think there isn’t enough business out there for them, that getting people to spend money is difficult or that opportunities are limited.

The rep that worships money may believe it creates their happiness and solves most of life’s problems. They see it as a way out of their current situation and that it will lead to the future they’ve always wanted.

This can create hardworking and dedicated reps as they strive for financial security. But it can also lead to overworking, success at all costs and possible ethics issues. 

When I show high performers how their money mindset is affecting their results, and what to do about it, their breakthroughs are massive.

What if sales leaders were coaching on things like this?

Very few know how to do this, or have the time. And getting reps to open up about who they really are could be a stretch too far.

But I wonder if there’s too much focus on coaching on process and sales skills. Too much surface level work. Not enough deeper work that really makes a difference. The stuff that changes lives.

Again, I wonder if it’s a stretch and should be left to reps to choose to do their own coaching, outside of work. There are obvious benefits in terms of confidentiality and openness.

But maybe this is what sales leaders of the future could look like.

I welcome any thoughts and experiences on this.


If you’re a sales leader that’s interested in how to coach at a deeper level, I’m open to a conversation on how to make this happen for you.

What impact would you really love to have on your reps’ lives? 
How would you love to serve them, at an even deeper level than you are now?

This desire must be genuine though, and come from a place of caring and love for your reps, not just as a tactic to help you get better results.

Drop me a message via my Contact page.


The Ultimate Mindset


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