I am Nick Hall, The Sales Life Coach.

Transform Your Sales Life:

Sell More, Stress Less, Enjoy Everyday

Welcome to a new approach to sales coaching.

One where you don't just look successful from the outside, but feel genuinely fulfilled on the inside.

As a high-achieving salesperson, you're under immense pressure. Balancing top performance with personal well-being can feel overwhelming. But success shouldn't come at the cost of your peace of mind.

Here’s how my coaching programme achieves exactly that:

Sell More

  • Improve your focus and productivity 

  • Identify and remove your mental blockers

  • Build your resilience, motivation and confidence 

You’ll get more done in less time and feel inspired whilst doing it.  

Stress Less

  • Stop overwhelm and panic before it starts

  • Eliminate your overthinking, anxiety and worry

  • Know how to stay calm and relaxed in any situation

You’ll free yourself from stress and live with a calm mind, no matter what.  

Enjoy Life

  • Define goals aligned with your core values and aspirations

  • Achieve meaningful success that resonates beyond work

  • Design a life that excites and energises you every day

You’ll live with purpose, pursue goals that inspire you and create a life rich in meaning and fulfilment.

Want to perform at your best and feel great whilst doing it?

Then book a free call and I’ll show you how.

If you want to operate at the highest level and transform how you approach your personal and professional life - take the programme. Unbelievably worth it
— Ben, Sales Director
Nick Hall Coach

Imagine a life where…

  • You wake up excited for the day ahead, not dreading the workload

  • You feel calm and in control, even in high-pressure situations

  • You achieve your goals without burning out

And all whilst spending quality time with you loved ones, free from the mental clutter of work.

This is exactly what Sophie achieved, which means you can too.

(And in less time than it takes to close your next deal).

I have noticed a huge change in my mindset and how I feel since working with Nick - I feel so much more relaxed and happy again
— Sophie, Major Account Manager

Why Work With Me?

I spent 19 years as a top-performing sales rep, earning five President's Clubs and ranking in the top 0.5% of earners in the UK.

I experienced the highs of outward success but secretly struggled with anxiety and panic attacks. Despite achieving what I thought would make me happy, I was always left feeling like something was missing.

Everything changed however when I realised that the source of all my problems wasn’t my job - it was actually my mind. Without realising it, I had been putting all my attention on the content of my mind (my thoughts, feelings and stories) rather than what was happening right in front of me.

Is this the same for you?

The mind is skilled at creating desires and pushing us towards achieving goals. It cannot deliver lasting happiness though, it is conditioned to seek short-term highs that quickly dissipate. This creates a cycle of fleeting satisfaction followed by longing for more.

This is why the great feeling that comes with closing a deal or hitting your number doesn’t last long.

To experience lasting happiness, one must go beyond the mind's limited understanding of self and success. This involves quieting the mind, letting go of its incessant demands and connecting with the deeper, unchanging aspect of who you are.

I coach you to go beyond the mind, helping you discover the inner peace and calm that is always available. This means you perform at your very best, whilst living a fulfilling and contented life, free from the endless striving for external validation.

Want to know what this is like?

Then book a call and I will show you.

I can genuinely say it’s the best investment I’ve ever made. I’ve overcome mental hurdles that had been impacting me for years
— Mark, Regional Sales Director

Unsure what you’d like to work on together?

Find out for free in under 2 minutes!

Alex, Senior Enterprise Account Executive

“Before working with Nick, I felt lost and unfulfilled despite having most of the things society values.

Whilst the journey is never over, I understand myself a lot better and have shifted my mindset dramatically after just 8 sessions.

I'm pursuing a more meaningful life whilst seeing the feelings of doubt and insecurity for what they are: an illusion.”

Chris, Senior Account Manager

“Nick challenged me to look at who I was really being, which wasn’t always easy, and gave me the focus I needed to make significant changes.

I’m now calmer, more confident and know exactly what I want to achieve.”

Sophie, Major Accounts Director

“I have noticed a huge change in my mindset and how I feel since working with Nick - I feel so much more relaxed and happy again.

This has not just impacted me in a positive way, but others around me as well.”

Being a high performer can be financially rewarding but psychologically draining - I know because I’ve been there.

Now I help you to sell more without sacrificing your well-being.

“Everyone needs a coach.”

Bill Gates